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Computer Architecture and Assembly Language (2024)

Syllabus:  Link to syllabus References 1.  William Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture, 9th Edition, Pearson Education, Prentice-Hall, 2013, ISBN -13: 978-0-13-293633 -0 2.  x86-64 Assembly Language Programming with Ubuntu 3. nasm online:      https://www.jdoodle.com/compile-assembler-nasm-online      https://rextester.com/l/nasm_online_compiler 3. Time allocation : Chapter 0,1: session no. 1,2 Chapter 2: session no. 3,4 Chapter 3: session no. 5,6,7 Chapter 4: session no. 8 Chapter 5: session no. 9 Chapter 6: sessions no. 10 Chapter 7: sessions no. 11,12,13 Chapter 8: sessions no. 14,15 Pedagogy and Grading + Pedagogy: To motivate the student, then enhance cognitive development, students are required to read materials and watch the videos in advance at home. During class hours, students are recommended to ask answer questions, do exercises, practicing lab to clarify theoretical aspects of learning subjects. + Grading: Formative Assessment 20% - quizzes after completing Ch

Computer Network (2024) - Chapter 01

Hình ảnh
  Chapter 1: Introduction   Uses of Network Network hardware (transmission technologies, types) Network software (Protocol, protocol stacks, design issues, connection-oriented vs connectionless) Reference models (OSI, TCP/IP) Example Standardization Project 802 Lecture notes Network Types OSI Reference Models Chapter 2: Link Layer and Ethernet I. Link layer functions and Terminologies    1. Terminology, Frame transmission    2. MAC & LLC Sublayers    3. Multiple Access protocol        + Links: (Broadcast, PPP)        + MAC protocols: (Channel partitioning, Random access, Token ring) II. Ethernet    1. Timeline ( https://ethernethistory.typepad.com )     2. Topologies - V ideo    3. CSMA/CD    4. Ethernet Frame - Video   III. Ethernet Network Devices    1. Hubs (Physical repeaters)    2. Cable & Connector    3. Gigabit Ethernet (GbE, 10GbE, 40-100GbE)    4. Switches & Bridges Lecture notes Lab #1: Packet tracer

Computer Network (2024)

1. Syllabus Link to syllabus 2. References Lecture notes (will be provided weekly) Textbook (1)  Computer Network 5 th  Edition ,  Tanenbaum / Wetherall , Prentice-Hall,  ISBN-10: 0132126958 • ISBN-13: 9780132126953 (2)  Computer Networking Illuminated , Diane Barrett/Todd king, JONES AND BARTLETT PUBLISHERS, ISBN 0-7637-2676-1 (3)  Computer Network, A Top-Down Approach 6th Edition , James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross, Pearson, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-285620-1  Web : http://tcpipguide.com/ Video resource  for textbook (1) https://youtu.be/pI0SZRm2hT8 4. Pedagogy and Grading + Pedagogy: To motivate the student, then enhance cognitive development, the student will be asked to read materials in advance at home. During class hours, the student will have to answer questions, do exercises, practicing lab to clarify theoretical aspects of learning subject. + Grading: 50%: Projects + Labs + Excercises  50% Final Quiz (closed book) Online link:  https://meet.google.com/qmq-xyrq-azb

Chapter 1: Computer Architecture & Assembly Language

  The evolution of computer history Von Neumann (IAS) computer The Moore’s Law, Memory wall Microprocessor speed techniques (Pipelining, Branch Prediction, Speculative Execution, Dataflow analysis) Performance balance Performance assessment Power consumption (active, static) Iron law of performance CPI, MIPS, Execution time of program Amdahl’s law Lecture notes

Tài liệu môn CAAL của IEEC

 Computer Architecture & Assembly language Chapter 04: Central Processing Unit - download Chapter 05: Data representation - download Chapter 06: NASM Basics - download        Lab #1: gdb tutorial     Lab #2: Linux assembly      Lab #3: Instructions

Computer Network

Hình ảnh
Chapter 1: Introduction Uses of computer Network hardware (transmission technologies, scale) Network software (Protocol, protocol stacks, design issues, connection-oriented vs connectionless) Reference models (OSI, TCP/IP) Example Standardization Project 802 Home work Read Chapter 1 of (1) from page 1 to 88, give an explanation to concepts and answer questions in  the review sheet  Lecture notes Chapter 2: Link-layer & Ethernet I. Link layer functions and Terminologies    1. Terminology, Frame transmission    2. MAC & LLC Sublayers    3. Multiple Access protocol        + Links: (Broadcast, PPP)        + MAC protocols: (Channel partitioning, Random access, Token ring) II. Ethernet    1. Timeline (https://ethernethistory.typepad.com)     2. Topologies ( youtube )    3. CSMA/CD    4. Frame ( youtube video )  III. Ethernet Network Devices    1. Hubs (Physical repeaters)    2. Cable & Connector    3. Gigabit Ethernet (G

Lập trình Visual Basic học kỳ 3 (18-19)

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